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From the Open Road - Vancouver Trail

From the Open Road - Vancouver Trail

Regular price $29.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $29.00 USD
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In the summer of 2017, I embarked on a trip that would change my life - and we called it From the Open Road. We bought a truck, turned it into a drivable camper, and drove across the North American Continent. We drove by day and slept in the trunk by night, seeing the most amazing sights, eating the most amazing food, and drinking some great beer with new friends and old friends. If you want to see pics from our trip, check instagram for #ftor2017 and #wethewild.

After a weekend in Vancouver with a friend, including a half marathon (not for me), an amazing concert, and an overall great trip, we decided to go for a little hike and reconnection with nature before hitting the road again. 

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